Kimberly Marks Kimberly Marks

Mastering Productivity and Health: My Favorite Habit Stacks

As a health coach and productivity nerd, I've come to appreciate the profound impact that habits have on our overall well-being and efficiency. One strategy that I've found particularly effective is habit stacking. Habit stacking involves linking new behaviors with existing routines to streamline our efforts and create lasting positive change. In this blog post, I'll share some of my favorite ways to habit stack for optimal productivity and health.

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Kimberly Marks Kimberly Marks

How to Know if You Have a Vitamin D Deficiency

Only about 3 out of every 100 people have adequate Vitamin D levels (without supplementation).  That means, If you’re not already supplementing, the likelihood you have low Vitamin D is very high.  If you’re unsure what your Vitamin D levels are, it can be fairly simple to run a Vitamin D lab test at home.  These tests are cost-effective and generally less expensive than a visit to your PCP.

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Kimberly Marks Kimberly Marks

Sephora Spring Sale - My Favorites

The Sephora Spring sale is upon us! For those that do not know, Sephora has a bi-annual sale where shoppers can save up to 30% on purchases depending on their shopper status. Whenever this sale hits, I get lots of questions about my favorite products. All of the products listed below are rated “Good” or “Excellent” by Yuka.

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Kimberly Marks Kimberly Marks

What Gets Measured Gets Managed

“What gets measured gets managed” (originated by Peter Drucker)…the basic idea is that if you’re measuring something then the probability of you acting on the information you now have is a lot higher. Regular measurement and reporting keeps you focused on what you’re trying to achieve.

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Kimberly Marks Kimberly Marks

Benefits of a Functional Medicine Detox

In our modern world, we come in contact with thousands of chemicals, toxins, and pollutants on a daily basis. As they accumulate in our body, they can have a number of adverse effects on our health -- from weight gain and fatigue to brain fog, bloating, and more. Instead of being scared of our environment all of the time, we can choose clean food, clean water, clean air, and top-quality nutritional supplements…and we can detox.

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Kimberly Marks Kimberly Marks

What is a Functional Medicine Detox?

If you could only choose ONE thing to do this year to improve your overall health, it should be a Functional Medicine Detox. If you are looking to overcome wellness issues, trying to lose weight, transform your body, or increase longevity I can’t recommend it enough.

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