My Healthy Travel Essentials

Our family is preparing for an upcoming 5-day trip. We are all fighting a cold bug and/or allergies so I am trying to be extra intentional about what I pack to keep everyone healthy and happy.

When we travel, we don't always eat the way we should (e.g getting all our daily fruits and vegetables) or move the way we normally do. Plus, we're exposed to so many more people and their germs.  Add to all of that, the deviations from routine and general travel fatigue can be a blow to our health and well-being.

Here are some tips and products I try to incorporate into my travel routine to stay healthy and balanced:


  • Activity – Fit it into your schedule where you can.  Go for a morning walk or do laps in the pool while the kids play.  Anything to increase your daily output. I also pack workout bands to squeeze in a few strength-based moves before heading out for the day.

  • Diet – Remember, not every meal has to be amazing.  It is so easy to fall into the trap of indulging in every meal on a trip. Try to prioritize one meal per day which will be your indulgence.  Is there a restaurant you’ve been looking forward to trying? Prioritize that one.

  • Normal Routines – As much as you can, try to stick to normal sleep and wake times.  Keeping your body on its regular circadian rhythm will help with energy levels throughout the day.

  • Stay hydrated - Travel with a reusable water bottle and fill up wherever you can get clean water.



  • Greens – As mentioned above, it is difficult to get all of our required daily intake of fruits and vegetables.  My daily greens powder gives me a boost in the morning and ensures I’m meeting my daily intake.

  • Protein – As a pescetarian, it is difficult for me to meet my daily protein needs.  I always travel with a protein powder and a shaker bottle and take it before our adventures start for the day to ensure I get a head start on my daily protein needs.

  • Honey Sprays – The kids and I take this every day to boost our immunity. 

  • Collagen – I include this in my protein drink.  It gives me an extra protein boost plus it supports the connective tissues in our body and healthy hair, skin, and nails.

  • Gluten and Dairy Support – This product is great for all those indulgent meals. It provides a powerful blend of enzymes that helps your body process and digest challenging foods, reducing GI distress.

  • Daily Digestive – Similar to the Gluten and Dairy Support, the digestive enzymes help our bodies break down food for optimal absorption. This is especially important when traveling as we are oftentimes trying new foods that are harder to digest than what we normally eat at home.

  • Sleep Help Support – I have the tendency to sleep terribly when I travel.  This product is great for promoting restful, quality sleep.

  • Vitamin C  - Finally, Vitamin C is essential for supporting a healthy immune system and overall health. Liposomal forms of vitamin C are generally better absorbed—the main reason why I love this product so much.

Healthy Snacks

  • Trail Mix - Try homemade with raw nuts, chocolate chips, and unsweetened dried cranberries

  • Bars - Find a clean protein bar for a balanced snack on the go.

  • Packable Fruit - Apples, bananas, and oranges work well

  • Single-Serve Oatmeal Packets - I pack these on every trip for an easy breakfast for the kids.

Happy traveling!


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