3 Month Coaching

My goal is to ensure you are cared for and given everything you need in order to achieve your health, body, and anti-aging goals. Through easy-to-understand, at-home health tests (or online health assessments) I will take the time to explain what your results mean and then help you develop a personalized program to fit your unique needs.

Once we discover your specific deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, omega-3s, etc.) and your toxicities (heavy metals, yeast overgrowth, hormones, pollutants, etc.) we will design a personalized plan to rebalance your body and enable you to take control of your health.

This type of Integrative Health approach will empower to you to make the change you know you need in your life to feel the health, vitality, and happiness you’ve been searching for (and deserve).

This package includes:

  • (3) - 1 hour or (6) 1/2-hour consults

  • Complete intake to explore your health concerns

  • Customized personal plan to address:

    • Diet

    • Exercise

    • Stress Reduction

    • Toxin Removal

    • Rest

    • Toxic Emotions

    • Success Mindset

    • Supplement Recommendations

  • Determine if at-home lab testing could be beneficial

  • Results and review of lab tests with a plan to address what is found

  • Weekly check-ins

  • Easy to follow handouts and shopping lists

6 Week Small Group Coaching

Join a small group of like-minded individuals to support each other through a tailored program to your specific health goals. The 6-week program focuses on: Diet, Exercise, Stress Reduction, Toxin Removal, Rest, Toxic Emotions, Success Mindset, and Supplement Recommendations.

This package includes:

  • Complete intake to explore your health concerns

  • Educational resources addressing:

    • Diet

    • Exercise

    • Stress Reduction

    • Toxin Removal

    • Rest

    • Toxic Emotions

    • Success Mindset

    • Supplement Recommendations

  • Determine if at-home lab testing could be beneficial

  • Weekly check-ins

  • Easy-to-follow handouts and shopping lists

  • Daily group support and accountability

Functional Medicine Detox

Whether you’re looking to get well, lose weight, or simply feel alive again there is no better way to kickstart that program than with a whole-body reset!

And the best way to do that is with a Functional Medicine Detox where you focus on clean eating, intermittent fasting, specific meal timing, self-care, and 3 scientifically backed nutritional supplements. The EquiLife Detox allows you to choose from a 7, 14, or 21-day program depending on the level of wellness, weight loss, or anti-aging you are aiming for.

This group Detox does not replace your private 1-on-1 appointments, but it does enable you to meet other like-minded individuals trying to improve their own health and well-being while receiving daily Detox group coaching updates from me.

All small group coaching for this seasonal EquiLife Detox is done through a private Facebook group. This enables me to easily create daily instructional & motivational posts, while easily answering your questions. Plus, it’s a great way to cheer each other on as we move through the program (and yes I participate as well)!

Although there is never a perfect time in life to complete your EquiLife Detox I encourage you to join our next small group. These Functional Medicine Detoxes typically take place in January, the beginning of April, the beginning of July, and mid-September. You can learn more about this life-changing program here at Equi.Life.