Dealing with Seasonal Allergies

I have been dealing with terrible seasonal allergies this week.  I have dry eyes, sneezing, coughing, sore lungs, and overall body inflammation.  I feel like this is the worst year yet for me.  I’m sure my immune system is compromised with the pregnancy. 

I put together a resource list of how to combat allergies.  First and foremost, it is imperative to understand the root cause of allergies.  Most seasonal allergies are a result of a gut imbalance and inflammation. Inflammation can be a symptom of gut issues, candida, heavy metals, viral overload, etc.  You have to determine the root cause by lab testing.

·       Food Sensitivity Test

The next step is to reduce overall inflammation in the body.  This can be done via:

If you can’t detox, you can support these practices by incorporating healthy foods that combat allergies.  The good news is nature has provided us with foods that are naturally high in antihistamines or that can blunt the body’s overall histamine response. Remember to always buy organic fruits and vegetables.

  • Red Apple – High in Quercetin

  • Yellow or Orange Bell peppers – Ony consume if you don’t have issues with nightshades

  • Wild Caught Fatty fish - High in Omega 3s

  • Berries – High in vitamin C and Quercetin

  • Raw almonds and cashews

  • Onions

  • Parsley or watercress – Anti-inflammatory

Finally, if you are still experiencing symptoms after all these practices, you can supplement your healthy diet with a few great supplements known for their antihistamine properties.


Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder


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