We all start somewhere

One of my 2023 goals is to enhance my online presence. I’ve always struggled with putting myself out there. Maybe it’s insecurity or imposture syndrome but I’ve always struggled with feeling like what I have to say is worthy of an audience. This blog feels like a safe space to share what I am learning and implementing.

You all may or may not know that I am pregnant with our third girl (due in August). As is typical for my pregnancies, I had a very rough first trimester. I was nauseous all day, every day, and couldn’t keep up with the healthy lifestyle habits that make me feel good about myself. It was literally crackers, cheese and the fetal position for 13 weeks. I was in a dark place. I gained a lot of weight (all the cheese) and wasn’t able to do the things that make me feel good.

Now I am at 16 weeks and feel ready to get back to the routines and structures that make me feel good about myself. I spent time this morning crafting a daily routine that incorporates all of the things I want to accomplish each day. True to my nature, it’s ambitious, especially considering all of the commitments I currently have going on.. board and committee seats, a demanding work schedule, an HOA seat, and a couple of additional side hustles I’m working on. All of that on top of being a wife and mother. But my nature has always been to over-commit. What is the phrase - shoot for the moon and land in the stars? Maybe I take that a bit too literally.

Anyway, in its simplest form, my routine will be as follows:

Morning Routine

  • 30 min strength session

  • Sunrise dog walk

  • Journal /morning posts

  • Family time

Noon Routine

  • Mid-day cardio

  • Mental reset

Evening Routine

  • Email > 0, plan next day

  • Read non-fiction for 30 mins

  • Legs up the wall + red light therapy

I’m committed to keeping you all posted on how this routine is working for me. What are your daily non-negotiables?


Dealing with Seasonal Allergies