Summer Solstice / Mid-Year Update

The Summer Solstice is on Wednesday, June 21st.  This is a good time to reflect on the goals and intentions we set for ourselves six months ago during the Winter Solstice/new year. Are you on your way to accomplishing your goals for the year?  If not, why?  What needs to be adjusted (either in your daily life/habits or in your expectations to get everything you want out of this year?

Here is a breakdown of my goals and where I am at.

  • IHP Certifications. I probably signed up for more than I could handle with these certifications but I’m proud of the progress I’ve made so far. I completed IHP Level 1 in December.  I am about 50% complete with IHP 2 and I just recently started the High Performance Health program. My adjusted goal is to complete IHP 2 before Baby 3 comes and then focus my efforts on HPH during maternity leave. Although its hard to contain my excitement about everything I’m learning in HPH.

  • Consistently Putting Myself Out on Social Media.  I haven’t been as consistent as I’d like with this one.  I think my problem is a combination of my perfectionist tendencies and when I’m carving out time to create content.  If I wait until my day is in full swing, I lose energy and it just doesn’t happen.  I need to adjust my morning routine to allow for content creation and client work when I have the quiet and energy. 

  • Get the House ready for Baby 3!  We are well underway with this project.  I have just a few more items I need for her nursery and it will be complete.  Since I gave everything away after Quinn was born, I’m hoping I can source some gear from close friends that just had babies.  Unless she comes like this week, I’m confident I should have this project complete before the end of the month

  • Final Family of Four Trip.  Nothing has been planned yet.  We’re tentatively thinking of heading up to the mountains around the 4th of July but haven’t booked anything yet.  TBD.

All in all, I’m doing OK considering how difficult this pregnancy has been for me and my busy work schedule.  Will keep you all posted on my progress. 

How are you adjusting your goals to ensure you accomplish all you want to this year? If weight loss or increased energy is on your list of goals, I can help you! Click the link at the bottom of this page to schedule a free consultation with me!


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