What Gets Measured Gets Managed

“What gets measured gets managed” (originated by Peter Drucker)…the basic idea is that if you’re measuring something then the probability of you acting on the information you now have is a lot higher. Regular measurement and reporting keeps you focused on what you’re trying to achieve.

Here's Why:

  • Motivation. The simple act of measurement increases motivation to perform. Research shows that the desire to win is heightened when rivalry and time pressure coincide, and the simple act of measuring something sparks that sense of rivalry in many people. Of course, that rivalry doesn’t need to be with others, it can be with one’s own self as a sort of ‘competition’ to see whether you can beat a goal. Without a measure, there is no way to determine whether you have won, and therefore, less motivation to get something done.

  • Accountability. When we set goals and measure performance against those goals, we have the ability to hold ourselves (and others) accountable for the resulting success or failure. Especially when the accountability is external accountability.  E.g. checking in with a health coach.

  • Awareness. By keeping track of things like food intake, sleep, and physical activity, we can gain valuable insights into our overall health and make informed decisions about how to improve it.

I have made accountability essential to my health coaching program for several reasons:

  • Encourages Commitment. Accountability helps individuals stay committed to their goals and objectives. When someone knows they are accountable for their progress, they are more likely to take their coaching sessions seriously and follow through on the actions they have committed to.

  • Ownership. Accountability gives individuals ownership of their progress. When they take ownership of their progress, they are more likely to be invested in the outcome and take the necessary actions to achieve their goals.

  • Maintain Focus. Accountability helps individuals stay on track and focused on their goals. When they have regular check-ins with their coach, they are more likely to stay motivated and keep moving forward, even when faced with challenges or obstacles.

  • Feedback. Accountability allows for feedback and reflection on progress. When individuals are held accountable for their actions, they can reflect on what they have achieved, where they may have fallen short, and make adjustments as necessary.

Overall, accountability helps to ensure that individuals are making progress toward their goals and that they are taking responsibility for their progress. It creates a sense of commitment and ownership, keeps individuals on track, and provides an opportunity for feedback and reflection. This is why accountability is crucial in any coaching program.

 How to Track

Food Intake: One of the most important aspects of tracking our food intake is to become aware of what we're consuming. By keeping a food diary, we can identify patterns in our eating habits, such as excessive snacking or skipping meals. We can also track our intake of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are essential for our overall health. In addition, tracking our food intake can help us make better dietary choices and identify areas where we need to make adjustments to our diet.

  • App-based tools like My Fitness Pal and Cronometer make iti so easy to record your meals on the go

  • Apple Notes or your favorite notes app

  • Paper and Pen

Sleep: Another critical aspect of tracking is sleep. By monitoring our sleep patterns, we can identify issues such as insomnia or sleep apnea, which can have serious health consequences if left untreated. Tracking our sleep can also help us identify patterns that may be affecting our sleep, such as caffeine consumption, stress, or late-night screen time. With this information, we can make adjustments to our routine and create a sleep schedule that works for us.

  • Apple Health

  • Biometric Trackers like Oura Ring and Woop

  • Apple Notes or your favorite notes app

  • Paper and Pen

Activity: By tracking our physical activity, we can set goals and monitor our progress, whether it's taking more steps each day, increasing our distance or time spent running, or trying out new activities like yoga or weightlifting. Tracking our physical activity can also help us identify areas where we need to increase our activity levels, such as sitting for prolonged periods at work or at home.

  • Apple Health

  • Biometric Trackers like Oura Ring and Woop

  • Apple Notes or your favorite notes app

  • Paper and Pen


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