Benefits of a Functional Medicine Detox

In our modern world, we come in contact with thousands of chemicals, toxins, and pollutants on a daily basis. As they accumulate in our body, they can have a number of adverse effects on our health -- from weight gain and fatigue to brain fog, bloating, and more. Instead of being scared of our environment all of the time, we can choose clean food, clean water, clean air, and top-quality nutritional supplements…and we can detox.

20 Benefits of a Functional Medicine Detox

  1. Boosts the immune system

  2. Aids in weight loss

  3. Balances healthy levels of inflammation

  4. Improved digestion

  5. Helps the body remove heavy metals

  6. Helps boost & stabilize mood

  7. Balances appetite

  8. Helps the body to greater eliminate stored toxins, and toxic waste in general

  9. Helps with the inflammatory component of chronic dis-ease

  10. Helps with pain and overall inflammation

  11. Balances hormones

  12. Assists with nutrient-based assimilation.

  13. Takes the burden off the liver and kidneys

  14. Enhances performance by balancing Glucose levels hormones and inflammation

  15. Improves skin

  16. Increases energy

  17. Improve circulation of the blood

  18. Improves overall sleep

  19. Improves cognitive function - sharpens your thinking

  20. Helps eliminate the effects of smoking, drugs, alcohol

Contact me to start your 7-, 14- or 21-day Functional Medicine Detox!


What Gets Measured Gets Managed


What is a Functional Medicine Detox?