Summer Sickness

The best time at Good Karma Ranch!

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. We are in full countdown mode over here. My induction is 2 weeks away but baby sister could come at any time! We had a low key weekend with time at the pool, lots of cleaning and organizing (I’m in full nesting mode) and a fun adventure to an alpaca farm to make fairy gardens. It was so cute! If you’re in the Charlotte area, Good Karma Farms is definitely worth the drive.

This morning Crew woke up with a sore throat and a nasty cough. I’m not surprised. Strep was making its way through her classroom last week and Quinn was diagnosed with croup last Wednesday. I’m taking her into the pediatritian to get confirmation and wanted to share all of the protocols I implement at home when one of us is under the weather.

  • Supplements. In addition to the girls’ and my regular supplement routine, I increase our dosages of Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

  • Probiotics. I also increase the girls’ dosage of probiotics to prepare their bodies in case the pediatrician prescribes meds or antibiotics. Using probiotics with antibiotics has been observed to reduce the incidence, duration, and/or severity of antibiotic-associated side effects.

  • BeeKeeper Naturals Throat Spray. I can’t say enough good things about this product. The girls and I take it daily and I increase the dosage when someone in the house is sick. The main ingredient, propolis, is the bodyguard of the beehive. Bees use it to line the walls of their hives to keep the germs out. We use it to support our immune systems, soothe scratchy throats, and combat free radical damage in the body.

  • Increase Fluids. Of course, I try to push as much water as we can. I also incorporate nutrient-packed smoothies with chia seeds, hemp seeds, bee pollen, Daily Nutritional Support, and tons of liquids.

  • Rest. Obviously, we really push for rest and quiet time. I do not monitor screen time when someone is sick. I also make sure I’m not pushing myself too hard to take care of everyone. Especially now, I have to protect my energy so I can continue to support the baby.

  • Body Awareness. This is a bit woo woo but I encourage the girls to get in tune with their bodies when they’re not feeling their best. Instead of only asking “What hurts?” I ask questions like “What feels different?” “What does your body tell you it needs today?” and “What would make you feel better?”. These questions encourage the girls to get in the habit of listening to their bodies and developing their own intuition to know what they need.

  • Finally, we do all of the tried and true methods to get over sickness quickly like eucalyptus chest rub, and humidifiers in the bedroom at night.

Please share! What do you all do to recover from a cold or the flu quickly?

I hope everyone has a great week!


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